Hi my wonderful little halcyons, today I'm DIYing it out for you guys by showing how to make this quote scarf. It's cute and adds originality to a basic closet staple. P.S. It makes a really good gift for all those book worms out there; just pick a quote from a favorite book and you're good to go!
Okay what'll you need:
1. A scarf (well duh. I got mine for like $5.)
2. Fabric markers (I used the Stained by Sharpie kind. Around $7 for four.)
3. Some sort of surface to work on as well as something to put under the scarf so the marker doesn't bleed through.
4. An iron
Let's go to work!
So first you should pick a quote to write on the scarf and scarves are quite large or small depending on what you buy so keep that in mind. I chose one from The Book Thief because this is a gift for someone (PROCRASTINATOR ALERT!) It's "He was the one who painted himself black and defeated the world. She was the book thief without the words. Trust me, though, the words were on their way and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like rain."
Alright so get out your fabric markers, and test them with a few words just in case. I did like the Stained by Sharpie ones if you need some. Put the scarf on the surface and start writing! It may take a few tries for it to be truly dark. After you're done, wait for it to dry and then iron on low to set the ink. And voila, done!
Have fun looking chic and warm this winter! Happy New Year!
So cool!